Thursday, December 30, 2004

How To Keep A Wife Happy or How To Get Free Drinks And M&Ms

I paid a visit to the Australian Red Cross Blood Bank today with Yu-Jin in tow. I explained to him what went on and why I wanted to donate some blood and the only thing that bothered him was that they might stick a needle into him.

We arrived a little earlier than my appointment as I knew that there would be forms to fill in. We were each offered a Fruit Box (TM) and some M&Ms (TM). These were greatfully accepted. Anyway, they want you to drink three to four glasses of water or juice in the hours before giving blood. So I downed my Fruit Box and some of Yu-Jin's as I didn't need him wanting to go to the toilet while I had a needle stuck in my arm.

There was one question in the questionaire about having lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996, to which I answered yes. There were quite a few no answers - you know, for the questions regarding "Have you had male to male sex?" or "Have you had sex with a sex worker (for money, drugs, gifts)?". But I failed because of the living in the UK question.

It all comes down to CJD. I was in Britain at the time of the highest risk of eating mad cow and possibly becoming infected. And as such I am not allowed to donate blood, ever. Or at least until they devise a test that doesn't require some brain tissue to be removed.

Miky is happy. She wasn't happy that I was going to donate blood in the first case. I initially donated in 1996, mainly to find out my blood type (A+, of course!), and she wouldn't let me do it again. Comes down to some Asian beliefs about not sharing any part of your body with others. I think that it is some deep-rooted superstition but there could be some truth in it.

So, this frugal bastard didn't end up displeasing his missus, Yu-Jin got to learn a lot about the blood bank (we even saw the refrigeration area downstairs) and I picked up free drinks and chocolates. Tell them that you lived in the UK, after you have downed your Fruit Box.

That reminds me. Did you hear about the two cows having a chat? One said to the other, "Does all this talk about Mad Cow Disease scare you?"
"No," said the second cow. "I'm a tractor."

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