Thursday, August 11, 2005

No Appearance of The Shed, Yet

Maybe I lie a little. The new shed is lying in the carport. I received a phone call on Sunday night that they were coming on Monday to erect it. On Monday the guy who was actually going to do the installation work rang me to say that his son had been taken ill, in fact he had been taken to hospital, and as his wife was away he would have to go and look after him. I understand what it is like to look after your kids when they are sick and sympathised with him.

I told him to take as much time as was required. In the four days since the weather has been perfect. The next four or five days are going to be very wet and so no work is going to be done on the shed for the foreseeable future. Bugger. I'm getting sick of one of my cars beng parked outside and want to have it under the carport. Plus I want the new shed to be up so that I can clean the rubbish out of my house. And there is the small matter of having to jack the door up with a screwdriver to enable me to close it with a power lead underneath. I won't be leaving a window open so that I can dangle a lead out of it.

My motto is still "Trust no bastard".

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