Sunday, June 11, 2006

Atticus The Storyteller - Finally Finished

We first borrowed this book about eight weeks ago. As you may only borrow a book for three weeks at a time it has been reborrowed the maximum of two times. I've been reading it to Yu-Jin as a bedtime story and it was a bit hard to put down at times. Having said that, by this morning we were only up to story number 80. I read the remaining 21 stories this morning and that took about two and a half hours. Not that Yu-Jin lost interest at all.

Interestingly, the Greek myths are very much mirrored by the Bible, or so they seem. There were many stories about Heracles (Hercules), Zeus (unfaithful scamp) but probably my favourites were about Helen of Troy, the Trojan War and Odssyeus. I shall have to read more about this man Odssyeus.

Do yourself a favour and have a read if you have any interest in Greek mythology.


Anonymous said...

I shall endeavour to borrow it. Heracles, is the the correct spelling. I do not know who he was, or what he did. Better check it out on the net. He was not Hercules. Yu-Jin has a fantastic concentration span!!

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. Heracles is the Greek form of his name, and Hercules is the Latin form. So your grandmother has informed me.

Hammy said...

My grandmother is entirely correct. At least her long term memory hasn't been too badly affected.

Note to self - Must remove tongue from cheek.

Anonymous said...

I made enquiries at the local library about the availability of this book. I was told they will have to borrow it from another library. Be too funny if it is the Perth library!!

Anonymous said...

I hit the wrong key, so am adding a PS. Your grandmother taught the Classics, so she should know. Yes, I think you should remove your tongue from your cheek. Doesn't pay to be too cocky.

Hammy said...

Let me know which library it came from.