Friday, August 25, 2006

Some Excitement In Dullsville, At Last

Interesting start to the day. Just prior to arriving at work I spotted the smoking remains of something. My first thought was that it was a pipe that had burst under a carpark and was on fire. But no, it was something a bit weirder than that.

Fireman hard at work.

Fireman about to be eaten by a garbage truck.

Now, this occurred near a couple of fast food chains. And the smell was a little worse than usual. Having a closer look it appears that the load in the garbage truck caught alight and the driver decided to dump the load. Probably a very wise move. And it was probably very lucky for the owner of the car that normally parks with its back wheels on top of the fire hydrant. The owner may not have been too impressed with his window being smashed so that the firefighters could move the car or having a bullbar shoved through the back.

Keep a close eye on the fire boys. Don't let it get away from you.

A smouldering mess.

I couldn't believe that some woman was desperate enough for a drive through meal that she drove through all of the smoke. Otherwise it was quite a slow morning for the fast food chains in the vicinity.

At least the drive through was still open.

This woman needed to have her coffee, apparently.

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