Sunday, July 10, 2011

Charlie Weatherburn - Matt Magain's New (And First) Book

There's a new author in town. Published he is. And his name is Matt Magain. The book is a children's story and delightfully drawn with lyrical prose. Great for the younger member of the family. The star is Charlie Weatherburn - and he even has his own Facebook page -

Don't be cheap and look for it on Amazon as the printed version isn't available in second hand print yet. I've looked. It is downloadable for Kindle. Help make Matt Magain a not-so-struggling artist and buy his book. You can keep up to date with the newsletter too if you wish.

I see that the day after the book was published it was ranked 11,805 on Lulu sales rank and it's soared to 8,623rd today - in only three days. Grab it before it becomes a best seller. I've got my copy on order.


Anonymous said...

A must buy. Thanks Hammy!! Gill

Matthew Magain said...

Thanks so much for the promo and the kind words Hammy! Glad you enjoyed it!